Apr 6, 2021
Welcome to BiggestFan Productions
Our mission is to change forever the way we experience live performance events whether it be for concerts, variety shows, conferences, podcasts - anything that happens in real time. We will do so with the only business model that benefits all stakeholders (especially the artists and fans) and enable new media opportunities that heretofore could not exist.
First off - thank you for everyone who signed up for the mailing list. We've been so busy building the platform that we haven't had time to setup the blog/email system. For being our early adopters you will be added to our Premier Fan Club which will entitle you to first priority and other benefits for future events. This will be the first of what we anticipate will be at least weekly updates as we're about to launch our first live performance platform, LiveJam. Other innovative platforms are already in the works and will be revealed in the near future.
For the rest of you - hurry and sign up for the mailing list at https://biggestfan.live so you don't miss out on all the incredible things coming soon!
The gang at BiggestFan Productions has been working incredibly hard overcoming technical challenges and ensuring the best possible experience since July of 2020. Last month we did an internal demo that confirmed all the pieces were working well and that our efforts were paying off. You can see that first test here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29kw7thW3HY. Not bad for our very first try, eh?
Two weeks ago we were again fortunate to get the cooperation of Bangkok's most happenin' swing jazz band, "The SwingKings" fronted by the amazing voice of Spy, who let us participate in one of their shows as an "internal test". We captured that on our platform and then took the identical performance and ran it through the two leading live streaming platforms to see how the experience compared to LiveJam. You can see the unadulterated results for yourself in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz4LfPw1dh0
Now this Thursday, April 8th at 8p BKK time, we will host our first public beta event at "scale" with a limit of 120 tickets to experience local Bangkok ska/funk/rock artists, Dirty Magic, as we test the venue experience between the performers and fans at our somewhat-secret R&D performance facilities in Bangkok. The tickets are free and you, being a Premier Fan, get first crack at signing up. If you're inside Thailand and have a laptop or desktop machine with a decent internet connection please register with your Facebook account here. You can watch the event on an android device but you will get the desktop UI for now. (The custom mobile experience is almost done so don't worry mobile users. iOS users will be able to use that when it becomes available.)
If you're outside of Thailand unfortunately you can't actually be in this event's two-way audience stream but you can still watch a one-way live stream of the experience on either Facebook or YouTube. This is a temporary limitation due to limits of the international gateway to our local data center and the desire to keep latencies as low as possible for this test. We will be deploying our system to data centers outside of Thailand in the near future so the full capabilities will be available to the whole world shortly. No need to sign up for tickets (please don't so others can have them) if you're outside Thailand - just show up at the Facebook or YouTube link at the appointed time and enjoy!
Hopefully our beta test will go well. Since it is a test it's quite possible we may interrupt the show a few times to make corrections or changes but we expect it will be fun nonetheless and you will always be able to say that you were there first when it happened! Hope you'll stick with us and send us feedback/questions as we get this service into full production - and change the world!
best regards,
Ben Scherrey
Chief Fan